14 April 2016


Image result for picture of minister of interior Abdullahi Danbazzau
Minister of Interior Abdulrahman Dambazau
In Nigeria the Federal Government has expressed concern over recent reports that Boko Haram terrorists have taken advantage of the incessant conflicts between the Fulani herdsmen and sedentary farmers to further their horrendous attacks and killing of innocent Nigerians.

Minister of Interior, Lieutenant Geneneral Abdulrahman Dambazau retired, who made this known at a strategic stakeholder's meeting on the pastoralists and sedentary farmer conflict in Nigeria in Abuja said government was worried that the conflicts in various parts of the nation have had grave implication to the country's internal security.

Dambazau said the effect of this has been loss of lives and property, dislocation of people and communities, disruption of socio-economic activity and threat to the integrity and peaceful coexistence of the Nigerian state.

Permanent Secretary of Interior Ministry, Bassey Akpanyung, declaring the meeting open said the country had lost too many lives to these sporadic attacks and that it was imperative to works as a group in finding a lasting solution to the conflict.

Masquerade234 gathered that Stakeholders at the meeting were to also design a parameter for hosting a larger conference targeted towards proffering workable plans to end the conflict

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