22 January 2017


Jammeh, Conde and Johnson before leaving Banjul, Gambia capital.
Former Gambia President Yayah Jammeh has departed his official abode of the last 22 years, the Banjul State House, to start a new life in exile.

His first destination was nearby Conakry, Guinea, whose President Alpha Conde and  Mauritania’s President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, spent much of Friday with him in Banjul to trash out issues like where  he would live and whether he could be offered amnesty for alleged crimes committed during his years in power.

The disgraced leader took to the air to address Gambians on his next move after turning down earlier persuasions to accept the result of last month’s election and leave office.

As Jammeh spoke, the new President Adama Barrow said in nearby Senegal from where he will move to Banjul that he will set up a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the alleged human rights abuses of Jammeh’s regime.

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