21 April 2016


Image result for picture of Justice Umar and Oluyede feud at CCT
Pix of Justice Danladi Umar and Senate President Bukola Saraki

In Nigeria a mild drama ensued at the Code of Conduct Tribunal during the trial of Senate President, Bukola Saraki as the Chairman of the Tribunal Justice Danladi Umar ordered the arrest of the defence counsel for alleged contempt of court.

At resume hearing, defense lawyer to Saraki Raphael Oluyede wanted the chairman to attend to his application of alleged bias by Justice Umar, which makes him not qualified to continue with the case.

Speaking to newsmen, Oluyede who also raised an allegation of a corruption case against the judge pending with the EFCC noted that he is not deterred by the intimidation of Chairman of the Tribunal, Justice Umar.

Umar ruled Oluyede out of order because he was not a party in the suit and a member of the defence team.

Counsel to Bukola Saraki, Oluyede got in an argument with the Chairman of the tribunal and was arrested by the Police on the orders of the Chairman of the tribunal as prosecuting counsel pleaded with the Chairman not to affect the arrest which allowed the trial to continue.

Order was later restored and the proceedings continued as Justice Umar granted request to adjourned the case till next Wednesday April 27

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