19 April 2016


Image result for picture OF SENATE PRESIDENT AT CCT TRIAL
Senate President Bukola Saraki
In Nigeria embattled Senate President Bukola Saraki on Tuesday briefly presided over plenary session of the house before leaving to attend his trial at the Code of Conduct Tribunal CCT sitting in Abuja.

The Senate President came into the chambers at 10.48am and the session took off with the opening prayer.

Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, took over from Saraki when he left the seat.

During the session, the controversy trailing a supposed bill to create a Grazing Reserve commission for cattle breeders in the country was raised by the Senator representing Abia South Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe..

Abaribe, said to the best of his knowledge, there is no such bill by that name before the Senate.

Abaribe recalled that the last time the Grazing Reserve Commission Bill came to the Senate was in the 7th Senate when Senator Zainab Kure who is no longer in the upper chamber proposed the bill.

He said the bill sponsored by Senator Kure PDP Niger South failed to fly as it was roundly rejected.  

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