9 November 2012


Mitt Romney
That the democratic party candidate President Barack Obama won the American election is no longer news but what perhaps is news now is that the republican candidate Mitt Romney lost the election due to finance. Mitt Romney is one of the wealthiest men ever to run for president. And yet the lack of money earlier this year stalled his campaign, and he never really recovered.

The GOP nominee emerged late last spring from a long and bruising Republican primary season more damaged than commonly realized. His image with voters had eroded as he endured heavy attacks from Republicans over his business record. He also felt compelled to take a hard line on immigration—one that was the subject of debate among his advisers—that hurt his standing with Hispanic voters. If you recall before and during the election statistic showed that the Hispanic population is the fastest growing in the United State.

More than that, Mr. Romney had spent so much money winning the nomination that he was low on cash; some aides seeing the problem once considered accepting federal financing for the campaign rather than rely on private donations.

All these were factors that ensured the the GOP candidate did not make it to the white house.

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