31 March 2016


Image result for picture of ayo fayose
Governor Ayo Fayose of Ekiti State
Governor of Ekiti State, Ayodele Fayose, has dismissed claims that over 200 Chibok school girls were truly abducted by Boko Haram militant group and have been missing since.

Fayose, in a video clip posted on YouTube, Wednesday, said the girls would never be found because “What is not missing, you cannot find”.

Fayose, according to the video, was speaking recently to some women in Ekiti, at a workshop organised by an NGO, Women Arise.

The governor said the #BringBackOurGirls campaign was a hoax, designed to stop former president Goodluck Jonathan from winning re-election.

If you want to use it to get some people out of office, you have succeeded in doing that,” he said. “But you must equally look for those girls, if indeed they are missing.

It was a strategy to get some political push- ups. That is why you can never find them.”

Fayose, opined that genuine human rights organisations were no longer in existence in Nigeria, mocked at the #BringBackOurGirls campaigners, alleging that some of them had been settled with political appointments.

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