12 September 2012


President Goodluck Jonathan and Minister of Petroleum, Dieziani Alison-Madueke made a surprise appearance at  Federal Executive Council meeting today.

President Jonathan who returned 24 hours ahead of schedule to Abuja on Tuesday night. He cut short his official to Malawi and Botswana, sparking off speculations that it may have been caused by concerns over the health condition of his wife, Dame Patience Jonathan.

Dame Patience Jonathan is currently hospitalized in Wiesbaden, Germany with an undisclosed ailment, and the recent order barring aides from speaking to the press seems to be working cause nobody is willing to give any information about her condition. There has been controversy over the nature of her aliment in the media.

Jonathan arrived the Council Chamber for the weekly FEC meeting at 10a.m to the surprise of members.
Another surprise was the appearance of the minister of petroleum Diezani Alison-Madueke who was reportedly hospitalised in a London hospital.

fellow Ministers milled around her before the commencement of the meeting. Some were overheard saying they tried reaching her on the telephone unsuccessfully. She did not attend the last FEC meeting.

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